Tuesday, April 3, 2012


For my project I plan on researching how Whitman has influenced culture, specifically the influence he's had on artists and writers of the 20th and 21st centuries. This portion of my project will be written I will also add pictures. The second portion of the project will be a short video in which I will ask random people to read their favorite Whitman lines, explain their interpretation of them, as well as the effect Whitmans poetry has had on them.

I believe that this will broaden my knowledge of Whitman's poetry by presenting me with new perspectives for looking at his work. In addition, the ways in which Whitman has influenced other people will demonstrate the ways in which he continues to influence society.


  1. So . .that's two projects? Keep in mind scope - - workload etc. Of the two, I really like the latter - - getting the "readers" perspective/experience on Walt. That sounds really interesting to me - - especially if you can include your own commentary reflections on what you see/notice/etc. about these responses.

  2. please excuse me for being out of the loop. I hope that you all will not throw me under he bus regarding this project. when did our group meet? Are we supposed to come up with individual questions for comparing the two poems? Again, I don't recall there being a meeting time or date and apologize if I missed something.

    1. Hey ken!
      If u look on my blog there's a link for the Sandburg google doc we've been using to communicate. You're welcOme to pOst your ideas for our presentation on it.

    2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jS0kUYlb-SByOVN1SAday6GoGMZe4_8vyP9fmwILjrg/mobilebasic?pli=1
